Friday, January 1, 2010

Nothing Wrong

A day late, I'm writing a new post. Nothing went wrong. Relatively nothing went wrong. 3 deviations from my aforementioned plan occurred.

One, I woke up late. My alarm was set to both 5am and 5:10am. Unfortunately I forgot to flip the little switch called "alarm on", so I didn't wake up until 5:30 (thanks to Toni's cell phone alarm).

Two, I underestimated how long it would take me to wake up and load the car. Instead of 30 minutes it took more like an hour. I made up for the time shift by doing 80mph from Lansing to Southfield and expediting my time there.

Three, my car overheated 2 hours away from my destination. I pulled over to a 2 lane farm road and attempted to check the engine coolant. I grabbed a towel, a good towel at that since all of my dirty rags were packed deeper in the car. I unscrewed to coolant cap, and as I listened to the air pressure and steam escape, I saw a growing pool of green liquid at my feet. Yes, this was the engine coolant leaking.

Right when I looked up to say "Oh God", I see the local sheriff sitting in his car running my plate. The "Oh God" turned to "Oh Shit". He walked over and of course I greeted him with a smile and a "Hello Officer". I explained my predicament, my reason for traveling and the contents of my vehicle, as he stared interestingly at the 32 inch TV sitting in my passenger seat. I assume he thought it was stolen. He creates small talk about me being from Michigan, wishes me luck with my car, and drives off. I think he wasted his time seeing as my tags and insurance were valid, and the "stolen goods" in my car were legit, but the situation could've been worse.

I pull off and finish what should've been 2 hours in 3, nervously checking my thermostat constantly for any change in temperature. The car remained cool after I refilled the lost coolant and I arrived to Crosswinds Village, the property of my new and first townhome.

To keep these posts consistent, I will update you with the details of arrival and whatnot tomorrow. And because I have actually written more than one post, you should be excited.



  1. Interesting story about the cops. Didn't know that happened. Good thing you got away with your stolen tv ;-)

  2. Sorry you had trouble.
    The next time just slow down and pray. Not like you get that from me but hey. Dont do as I do do as I say. luv yah!!!!!
